Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Gabe`s Adjustment

Before Lucas was born, we were abit worried on how Gabe would feel since he wouldn`t really be the center of attention anymore and I`d be spending most of my time with the baby during the first few months. But we did kind of prepare him by telling him about Lucas and he`d be all sweet kissing my tummy and patting it.

Fast forward to this day, I think we were right to be worried. During my 4 day stay in the hospital, Grandma looked after him until Daddy came back at night. And i didn`t see him till the 3rd day in the hospital. By then he was a bit cool towards me...sob sob...when i went back home, i was shocked because his change in behaviour was like 360 degrees. He was so so whiny and naughty, not listening to instructions at all. I guess he was jealous and hurt that i wasn`t playing with him most of the time.

Still, it was shocking. I felt really bad that i had to spend most of my time feeding Lucas or expressing my milk and by night i was so tired i couldn`t really have time for him. But i try. Lucas doesn`t make it easy, but when he does got o sleep, i try to play with Gabe like we used to, drawing and reading. And it has gotten better now, he seems happier and more accepting of Lucas.

Right now, he goes to sleep at night with Daddy in his room, he on his bed and Daddy on the futon. I think this sleep arrangement will have to continue until Gabe can sleep on his own. So he and Daddy have become the very best of friends and Gabe lights up whenever his father comes home from work...Mummy is 2nd in line now....

He has started going back to special school 2-3 times a week and i guess it`s good for him since none of us have much time to entertain or play with him, so at least there he has friends and teachers who can give him some of their time and attention.

He has progressed really well, he can walk alot right now, yes, still clumsy most times, but he can walk...:) And his vocabulary has improved alot he can say quite a few words, one of which he loves is `There` whenever he pints to something. words he can say:

Woh Woh (Dog)
Ba (Mummy/Grandma)
Dad Dad (Daddy)
Pa (Grandpa)

Fast Forward 5th March
Gabriel has begun accepting Lucas...he now kisses his baby bro alot, and keeps touching his head. Sometimes when Lucas cries, Gabe is the first to go to his cot and pat Lucas...still occassionaly, the boy `accidentally` pulls Lucas` hair and gets a sound smacking for doing that(:

We had Gabe`s doc check up today, all is well...he can now just take 1 type of medicine once everyday instead of 3 times a day..yay!!! And....jeng jeng jeng.....our boy`s weight is now.....9.7kg!!!! wooo hooooooo.....and his diapers are L size now...another round of applause...we`ve come a long way!!!

On another note, i have stopped expressing breast milk...permanently..i felt really bad about it, but you do what you have to do. firstly, Lucas wasn`t into BM and secondly, i spent so much time pumping, that i didn`t have much time for Gabe, and when Mum goes back, i do not see how i can manage 2 kids and pumping and washing and have time to spend with was just too there goes failed breast feeding efforts....

Ok,more pics of Lucas to come..and of Gabe too...stay tuned

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