Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Catch a Girl's Attention: Tips By Gabriel

You know, i have to admit, my son is a natural charmer. He manages to make friends with people, ahem, specifically girls wherever he goes. And mostly, this happens on the train and on the streets. Err, however, i noticed that there is a great extreme to his so called group of admirers:

1) Ladies in the age gap of 60-80
2) Ladies in the age gap of 22-30

Now, all you single men out there, if the above age gap fits your heart's desire, learn from him. If you can't master it, then i could possibly loan you my son for a few hours, but it'll cost you!

Sample scene takes place on a train ride.

*Both Gabe & Mummy are standing in the train with others. So happens many ladies around and it's kinda packed*

Gabe: *Goo goo gaa gaa, blah blah..aaahhh*. Yes he starts by making these adorable lil noises.

Mummy: *Gabe, shhh, not so loud*

Gabe: *Smiles at Mummy. Followed by a small tug at whoever is nearby. Tugs at either their shirt or handbag*

Mummy: *Gabe!!! No no no..dun pull!!*

Lady: *Turns to look at Gabe*

Gabe: *Innocent look first* (refer below pic)

Gabe: *then followed by killer cute smile* (refer pic below)

Lady: *eee...kawaii!! ahhh.....hello, hello..kawaii*

Gabe: *does cute action* (eg like this below)

Lady: *laughs n giggles while looking in awe at Gabe, and continues talking in mushy language to him*

Mummy: *watches in amusement*

Finally we get to our stop

Mummy: *Gabe, say Bye bye*

Gabe: *waves hands to say bye bye*

Lady: *more kawaiis!!! Bye bye* that's how you try to snag a girl's attention everyone. So go n make perfect these expressions gentlemen, and you'll be lonely no more in time!

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