Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Daycare Blues

Gabe has started his 1st day of daycare/preschool today. The center is called Wanpaku and it is for special kids. He's the youngest there at 1 yr 1 month old. At the moment they can only accept him once a week permanently. But, during the coming weeks, should there be any kid who cancels, they can slot Gabe in.

Yes, some may think he's a bit too young to be sent to daycare, but i have no choice as i really have to start my Japanese class and with him around there is no way i can study in peace. So we'll try once a week first and see how it goes.

Basically, the daycare is from 10am-2pm and during this time, they sing, dance, play with dirt (yes really), play in the pool, eat n nap. Each student has to have a big bag, inside packed separately, their lunch box, diapers, tooth brush set and change of clothes. All must be labelled. Gabe's bag was meticulously packed the night before just in case i forget anything.

And his green chair, which we bought another for him to put at daycare. We didn't want him to feel differently while all other kids were in their wooden lil chairs.

Terry & I both dropped him off today, but next week onward, only Terry will drop him. I'll stay home to start my homework. Once we reached, i handed Gabe to the teacher and she brought him away. I could hear him crying loudly. While we were there, he cried on&off. But the longer we stayed the worse it is...for me i think...so we quickly left.

At home, i was a little worried, for the eating lunch part. I knew that would be a toughie, knowing him.

Ok, next part is a bummer....i went to take the train to his place, but there was an accident at the train station, all trains were cancelled for the next 1 hour or more. The bust queue was freaking long, i took a cab...thank goodness i reached in time still. Gabe was being carried by the teacher, at the entrance...once he saw me, his started pouting and his mouth quivered, nearly crying...then he reached out his arms to me and smiled a big big smile. Put his head on my chest a few times, touching my face with his hands (probably thinking...is this really Mummy)..ahaah

His teacher told me he cried abit only in the morning, but by afternoon, perhaps due to being tired as he slept maybe half an hour only, he cried alot more. He refused to eat lunch or drink milk. He did drink his half cup of tea. He didn't even want his fave crackers n fruit puffs:((( So the teacher told me she was abit worried as he hadn;t had any food for the past 4 hours. She suggested perhaps next week i would like to collect him earlier say 12pm or 1pm if i was worried. I told her we'll stick to the schedule few times and see how it goes. After all, kids need time to get used to the new environment.

I kinds expected the no eating & sleeping problem anyway. That is why i did not start weaning Gabe from his 2-3 night feeds. I thought that since putting on weight was so crucial and he may not eat much in daycare, he needs all other feedings. Besides, the operation was more crucial, so we'll start the weaning after his op. So, basically he drinks quite abit during the nights. And before he goes to daycare he has another feed plus yogurt n fruit puffs. So i think he should be alright for the moment.

Every kid has a pouch provided by the teachers where they get comment cards each day and letters. In Gabe's report card, they said he did play with his friends and smiled. And he enjoys music alot. And he played with toys too...so at least he did make an effort...

So, we're just hoping it takes some getting used to...yeah Gabe???

His report card:

Mummy & Gabe before we left for daycare

Good boy Gabe, do better next week, OK?

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