Friday, June 5, 2015

Kiddos Start New Preschool

Monday was the boys` first day at their new English preschool, Hello Kids. I think i was pretty nervous especially since this would be the first time I@d be away from Lucas for like half a day. I already mentally prepared myself to expect some sort of drama when dropping him off.

School starts at 10am. So we were on time that day and once we reached the entrance, their teacher was already there. Gabriel, of course had no hesitation, took off his shoes and without even a backward glance at me or questioning his new environment, went on to play with the other kids there. Lucas on the other hand, caught wind of what was about to happen and hung onto me. But i firmly put him down and took off his shoes and told the teacher I`d be going off now. True enough, Lucas cried the moment i stood up. But i sucked it up and left.

Terry was in the car waiting, and yeah i was nervous, but this had to be done. So off we went to run errands and we had a lovely lunch all by ourselves at a Vietnamese restaurant. I kept looking at my pphone expecting a call from the school to tell me that Lucas was crying uncontrollably and i had to come pick him....but nope...instead, i got a nice video of them singing..well, ok the rest of the kids were singing, Gabriel was sitting and Lucas...well, err Lucas was confused.

They will be going to Hello Kids every Monday & Tuesdays from 10am till 2.30pm...not alot of ME time for me, but it`ll do for now...what do i plan to do? Well, japanese lessons don`t start till July, so I`m just planning to have some quiet peaceful coffee or lunch by myself, and perhaps get a haircut and tidy up the storeroom.

Those are LUXURY. You see, in Japan, i think i can safely say 90% of non-working mums do not send their kids below 3 yrs old to school. Nope...babies stay with their mums until they enter Kindergarten which is after 3yrs old of age. So when i tell people Lucas is off to school, their eyes widen and mouth open ever so slightly. See, I`m not working so people expect you to look after your child, 24/7 irregardless whether you are sick with fever, chicken pox or half cawling on the floor. Yup, truw. Japanese mums are the toughest. Seriously, i really respect them. And they can cook & clean the house with no help. Beyond me...

So, anyway, with only 2 precious half days, i have to spend it carefully, it`s too precious. For now, coffee to myself will do just fine. And random bouts of shopping. All by myself..

Glad that they are doing well, teacher said Gabe is handling things really well, hes`s eating and playing and learning. Lucas cried for like 30mins on Day 1, Day 2 he cried like 15mins, so I`m hoping he`ll realise school is fun and a an angry frustrated Mummy is NO FUN, so he`ll be smart n start to like school.

You can see, i need to prepare their daily Bento for lunch. It`s a pain, believe, me everydy thinking in advance what to cook for them and what to buy for grocery. But it`s the Japanese way,so no choice. Which is why much earlier on I started preparing Lucas`s lunch at home similar to what I`d let him bring to school. Easy to hold and eat foods. Eg, rice balls or onigiri, nuggets, patties, carrot in cube etc. That way, he wouldn`t need to use the spoon & fork yet. He ate about half his food in school, a good try i guess. But at home he eats more, so I`m not too worried since dinner he eats alot.

Gabe well, is Gabe. He finishes his White rice 95% of the time and leaves most of the rest. Oh well, better than not eating at all.

Their Bento sample:)

And here are the videos from Day 1 and Day 2, notice how Lucas is `moving` more during song time in the 2nd video which is Day 2...rascal is warming up

Day 2 video

And if you notice we have a very lazy bum there sitting down. Have to talk to the teacher about this one.

If all goes well, by year end i think i can upgradeLucas to maybe 3-4 times a week.....not too cruel right? Afterall, it`s just half day.

More updates to come...

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