Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nyeh can`t do anything...coz I`m really not doing IT

Ok, you`ve been hearing me complain about how stubborn Gabe is. Coz he seriously is. No matter we scold him or even smack his hands when he does something wrong like pulling hair (which is all the time) or biting, he doesn`t seem to learn. Trust me, it`s not that he doesn`t know it is wrong...he understands the words `NO`, `STOP IT` and `NAUGHTY` very very well. But the thing is, he has this super stubborn steak in him and when you do reprimand him, he stops..for a second,....then does it again, and again.

Sometimes, ok all the time, he tries to test your boundaries and patience, which quite frankly i have very little of. He knows that if he does it, he gets scolded or smacked. But, you see, IF he doesn`t ACTUALLY DO IT, you have no valid reason to smack him..right?? I am dead serious, this boy has gotten the hang of it. So, the other day i was like super busy in the kitchen, and he loves to come find me there. Thing, is kitchen is not always clean and the garbage bags are there. Our friend loves to go touch here n there. After getting scolded numerous times for touching the garbage bag WHILE i was standing there, he learnt how to push mummy over the edge without actually getting smacked for this:

There are days where i just give up and walk away and ignore him...too much stress involved..

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