Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dancing King

Just the past 2 weeks, Gabe has been real funny. I always ask him to dance and initially he did the on all fours shake butt thing....then recently i dunno why, he kinda got the hang of walking `Sprider Man` style...meaning walking on all fours..yup when i first saw it i was laughing away...i think he kinda wants to stand and walk but can`t yet, so this is the best he could do for the moment.

So anyway recently when i asked him to dance, this is what he did and i was super lucky i caught it today:

The funny boy...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother`s Day 2013

Happy Mother`s Day!! Yup a special day for us mommies. The things we go thru, the stress levels we have, the daily breakdowns..what a job...

I`m thankful, very thankful that I`m Mummy to a very very sweet and loving boy. He`s a toughie but so am i..and we match each other so perfectly.

You`re turning out to be lil horror Gabe, but I`m glad you are the way you are. You were so meant to be mine, from the first day I saw you as a tiny lil egg in my ovary, that day was THE day...the day our lives would change...who would have has a funny way of bringing humans together...eveything about you is special and it was meant to be this way.

I want many many more Mother`s Day with you, and though we didn`t go out and celebrate, we had each other to hug and kiss...and that`s just enough for me.

I love you heaps and heaps

Now, whose heart wouldN@t melt looking at that face????

Happpy Mother`s Day to all Mommies....we`re heroes

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wheeeeeeee....I`ve got the Hang of It

Ok, we `ve been waiting for this for a long, long time...we have been trying to teach Gabe to use his legs on his toy mobile. Even in therapy we`ve been doing it. But no, no sucess..he couldn`t even more an inch...really...i just thought `man this is hard, when will he ever be able to do it`....Then, yes then, Mr FUll of Surprises shocked us...we were hanging out in the living room yesterday night and decided to just let him try. To our delight, Gabe just took off..yes he just started using legs and moving!!

We were overjoyed! and Gabe was overjoyed, he made lots of shouting noises and i think he realises how much fun this is gonna be and so much faster n easier getting around...

This is a major milestone in my opinion..major...well done baby...

Hmm, how does this sitting on chair work...

Our lil friend has been trying hard to do loads of climbing here and there, and recently he is still trying to figure out how to successfully sit on his chair....i think this requires a lil more time, huh...:

Nyeh can`t do anything...coz I`m really not doing IT

Ok, you`ve been hearing me complain about how stubborn Gabe is. Coz he seriously is. No matter we scold him or even smack his hands when he does something wrong like pulling hair (which is all the time) or biting, he doesn`t seem to learn. Trust me, it`s not that he doesn`t know it is wrong...he understands the words `NO`, `STOP IT` and `NAUGHTY` very very well. But the thing is, he has this super stubborn steak in him and when you do reprimand him, he stops..for a second,....then does it again, and again.

Sometimes, ok all the time, he tries to test your boundaries and patience, which quite frankly i have very little of. He knows that if he does it, he gets scolded or smacked. But, you see, IF he doesn`t ACTUALLY DO IT, you have no valid reason to smack him..right?? I am dead serious, this boy has gotten the hang of it. So, the other day i was like super busy in the kitchen, and he loves to come find me there. Thing, is kitchen is not always clean and the garbage bags are there. Our friend loves to go touch here n there. After getting scolded numerous times for touching the garbage bag WHILE i was standing there, he learnt how to push mummy over the edge without actually getting smacked for this:

There are days where i just give up and walk away and ignore him...too much stress involved..

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It`sa ME(MUMMY) Entry

It`s a Mummy entry today....I`ve started practising yoga again after a long long time. I still remember before i was preggers, i enjoyed my yoga sessions esp Hot Yoga alot. I even managed to lose weight. But more importantly, i felt strong and peaceful after class. So, i decided that since i still have some dumb muffin tops to burn, I`d better start again. But more importantly, it was my ME time. So i bought a DVD and do it when Gabe has his afternoon naps.

Each part is about 50mins long, just perfect for me to complete, bathe and have a little bit of time to do other stuff before Gabe wakes. And I`m proud to say, after like 2 weeks of daily Mon-Fri sessions, I can damned well do push up `Man Style` meaning the full body push up wiith no knees on the floor...a great achievement, coz in the beginning i couldn`t even manage 1 with knee push up.

Umm...i do not think i have lost weight...yet, but hmm i think i do see some firmer arms..Muffin top, last i checked, yup still there. But just you wait, just you wait...

When Gabe has done his operation and goes back to hoikuen, I`m gonna join Hot Yoga`s high time i have some ME TIME after so long....

Sunday, May 5, 2013

And then...Chucky Appears

On Sunday, after what seemed like an eternity, we decided to go have yummy DimSum at Roponggi Hills. 72 dishes, JPY2990, 60 mins. Yup so we have to make full use of precious time....with a toddler. To be specific , Gabriel.

I should have known it wasn`t meant to be..we arrived there in good spirits, Gabe slept for awhile in the car. He seemed cheerful when we went strolling to the restaurant..but being a Sunday we had to wait like 40mins? Yup.. but i had powerful puffs to entertain Gabe. When it was finally our turn, my hungry tummy was overjoyed. But....yes but...just as qwe sat down and looked at the menu, precious Gabe started fussing even Mickey Mouse wasn`t helping. Then 10mins later it escalated into a rare-full scale-scream fest. Not sure why...i think maybe Mickey made him angry???????

Sigh, yup so Terry took him out to try pat him to sleep (snort snort..yeah righ)... while i ate like a few dumplings, some century egg, Peking duck and some other small morsel of food. Then Terry came back in and Gabe screamed again, much louder..i took him n went out...he was inconsolable. Kept writhing around, he was sleepy but too irritated at that point. And haveing experienced this once before, you can`t do much , just have to wait until he tires out completely. No singing or cooing or patting will me...yes, in upscale Roponggi Hills, a screaming toddler draws lots of attention..sigh..why, oh why....

Sometimes, i just wonder why do they have to kick up a scream fest, can`t they like just fall asleep if they are tired? just close the eyes and go to SLEEP! Yeah so, in the end, cut short not even 60mins, we paid n ruined, Gabe still screaming. Even in the car...right up till we reached home and i went straight to the room and put him to bed...KOed for 2 hours fun at poor dimsum...

Naughty boy Gabe, Naughty...

See, before when we were waiting for our cute n angelic hor...

Yeah then 30mins later:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Brush Brush Brush We Go

Gabriel brushes his teeth on his own...his first time and he`s already a PRO..well done baby.....

We try to brush every night, and mostly he allows me to do it while he lies down, but sometimes he tries to run..anyway seeing how much snacks and biscuits he eats, better to take precaution, otherwise we`re gonna be seeing the dentist very very often, huh Gabe? Either that or u wanna give up ur biscuits?????