Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Baby's Coming Home

Gabe is coming home tomorrow!!!! I have waited for so long for this day. It seems like it has been months since we've been travelling to & fro to the hospital. Finally, our baby is coming home to us.

He's been feeding well so that was what convinced the doctors to discharge him. He's taking about 450ml per day so it's a good start for him. But he has to be back for check-ups every 2 weeks or so.

Most important for him is to gain body weight as the doctors mentioned he's a bit slow in this area. If after a month he fails to gain enough, we may have to put him on the tube to feed him additional milk.

So Gabe, you better be a good boy n drink up.

More pics will come now that he'll be home...


  1. Oh, what great news to start the day with! I'm so happy for you all. Hugs and kisses!

  2. Yay!! Awesome news! Sanyi will come see Gabe Gabe once I touchdown in Japan next week k... See u'al soon!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great news ! Well done baby Gabriel !
    Pray that you'll drink well and stay well !
    Love from
    San Bo Por & Bo Gung
