Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Entrance Ceremony for Gabriel`s Elementary School

Gabby has been my main worry. My worry is that...he doesn`t seem to worry at all!! ahahhahahah. For him, this year is a big year too. Elementary 1...geez where did the time go? And he has to take the school bus to school as it`s a bit too far for me to do a daily send and pick-up, while being on time to pick Lucas too. Thankfully, the special school has a school bus. Both Terry & I of course worried about his safety, but i think, he should be in good hands, after what i saw yesterday when i sat the bus with him.

He had his entrance ceremony on April 9th Monday. But i tell you this was one of the hardest days for me. Sweet as in he`s a big boy now, and yet it was a shock for me. I wasn`t prepared. When we all entered the big hall, everyone was there. All the parents and new students. It was noisy. There was screaming, whining...running. For a moment i just stared and stood still. Reality that he`s in a special school. This is his school for the next 6 years. Don`t get me wrong, i have nothing against special schools or special kids, it`s just how i felt for the first time being in a huge school with many many special kids.

I thought, did i make a mistake? Should we have fought for Gabby to have gone to a normal Japanese school? Would he copy and learn the behaviours of other special kids? What have we done? Would he have been able to learn more at a normal school? For that moment i wanted to cry and leave the hall.

But now, after i had time to reflect, i sort of knew we probably made the right decision. Either way, I would still be worried sick. With his curious and friendly nature, he would probably get pushed and bullied in a normal school. At least i know here he would have experienced teachers to look out for him and slowly let him learn at his own pace.

Lunch in school starts today!!! Yayy!!! I do not have to make bento for him everyday now. Only for Lucas. I am eager to see what he eats and how the teachers are going to make him eat veggies.

So, his bus arrives at 7.40am everyday, and on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays he arrives back at 14.25. Wednesdays he arrives back 15.20

Lucas on the other hand, needs to be in school by 9am. So mornings are a total nightmare for me.

Oh Gabby, how we worry about you, but yet, it's time to let you learn to be independant. We know you"ll be well taken care of. Be good sweetie and eat your veggies and meat in school. Mummy loves you very much.

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