Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Momma's Drying Up

This is depressing and worrying..my milk supply has not gone up much even with drinking that milk up tea. And Gabe is drinking like a lil chugger now, up to about 620ml on good days. My milk supply is only about 580ml on a good day. Obviously, not enough and i am panicking coz i do not want him to start on formula yet, at least until his second op is done.

So, having no choice, i've decided to start on good ol fish soup as last resort. When Mummy was here, she made me this every week and me milk supply was like 1,200ml per day!!

So went out today bought 4 days worth of fish & papaya supply. This is be my daily vitamin. Pray pray it works. I used to joke to Terry that i can sell my milk, now i think gotta ask him to fork out money to buy from people....

1 comment:

  1. no no food:

    1)cabbage- strictly no this vege, drastically reduce milk supply, real life experience..

    YES YES food:

    all kinds of soup: peanut lotus, fish head, bak kut teh, black bean pork, chicken soup- boost milk supply, better- 3 times a day!!

    most important: WATER intake, a church mate of mine, 8 bottles(1500ml) per day..breast feed her kid til 2 yrs old..can consider!!
