Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's a Happy Day

Gabe's op went well yesterday, we were told he would need to still stay in the hospital for observation for at least another 2 weeks or so. It seems so long, but as long he remains stable and will be home soon, it's fine.

Then today, when we went to see him, we got a surprise. He was wide awake and all tubes were off, all meds too. I got to hold my baby and boy was it good, i missed him so much.

After awhile, the nrses in ICU told us there wasn't enough space, he needed to be transferred to the general ward. That was good news coz it meant he was stable enough and secondly, anyone can visit him and terry, mummy & i could all see him at the same time too!! yay!! So off we went to settle him in his new bed.

This boy is so pouty, he making the "i'm gonna cry face" everytime so we had to soothe him often. He stayed awake for a long long time...2 hours plus. I think he got sick of sleeping all the time. Eventually after his milk and lots of patting and some singing (courtesy of grandma), he fell asleep, only to wake again. But we had to go off, so we left him there to fall asleep on his own.

We're hoping he can be discharged in a week or so, but he has to be able to drink from the bottle before heading home, so we'll have to try that and see.

But so far so good. This is one of our happiest days, ever...


  1. hellooooo Gabe!!!!! er-yi feels so happy after reading this blog entry & looking at your photos! Love your big big eyes! You will be going home with mommy very soon, so hang in there & be a good boy, drink your milk from your bottle k! Soon, you will be home with mommy & daddy & grandma!

    Grandma, u r looking good & refreshed ah!!! No guesses why there aint any photos of your face Mich!!!! :p

  2. Yes I still look bad though improving if I get enuff I win b taking pics for awhile.
    By the way his mouth is cello taped to the pacifier coz I tink he was too noisy crying and also to let him learn to suck.tink he was quiet for too long so now tk op to cry.prob disturbed rest of babies so they had to shut him up

  3. Wonderful news indeed! I'm so happy for you all, and I love all the pics of baby Gabe. Yes, he must be making up for all that lost time by staying awake as long as possible. Give him a cuddle and a kiss for me. muak!
