Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy World Down Syndrome Day 2016

Happy World Down Syndrome Day Gabriel!

So, we`re doing well, and Gabe is doing really well too! Come April, he will be moving uo to the bigger kids school at Hello Kids. The teachers have nothing but praise for him and how well he`s been doing. He has no problems with his basic living skills and can follow instructions really well. And, after discussing with his teachers, they feel Lucas would benefit not being in the same class as Gabe too. Because at the moment, it seems that Lucas has no interest in playing with other kids when Gabe is there and even tends to be whinier.

I`m hoping that by mixing with the bigger kids who can talk well, Gabe will be able to catch up with his speaking skills and learn to communicate more. Pretty excited to see how he fares in this new environment.

The only thing that is worrying us right now is potty training which Gabe is still not ready for yet at this moment. Let`s hope he`ll be fully trained by year end.

But other than that I`m really happy Gabe is doing so well, and we`re in a great place right now. He`s so funny and loving and has so so many funny dance moves, it`s hilarious to watch him copy. Sure, he`s not up to scratch with his speaking skills, but you should listen to the list of words coming out from his mouth now, it`s amazing how fast he`s picking up random words and just speaking it. His fine motor skills are getting so good, he loves doing the teddy bear threading game and has gotten so well doing it, compared to just 3 months back when he couldn`t thread it. It`s amazing how fast he`s learning.

All around the world, many families like mine are celebrating Down Syndrome today and many are creating awareness for Down Syndrome. Of course, we don`t just celebrate today, but everyday of our child`s life. But more so today so that all of us can come as one and voice out our joys & pride of having a special needs child and tell the world that it`s not the end of the world nor is it a bleak future and life. Instead, it`s about our journey filled with challenges, tears, laughter and pride.

For some, they will pray & ask that their child will be healed miraculously of Down Syndrome, that somehow God will take it all away and cure their child. for me, i believe there are miracles that our God can do like healing the injured, or healing the crippled, but this, this extra chromosome is the core existence of a human, embeded deep in their DNA. And praying for this to disappear is impossible, even for someone so powerful. I`m sorry if this offends anyone, but it`s what I think.

So, on this day especially, I`d like to ask for all of you who will and want to pray for Gabe, please ask that he will grow up healthy and strong, that his heart will stay healthy, that he wil be able to learn to fully speak soon and more importantly, that he will someday find a place in this world fit for him. That people will learn to fully accept special needs children. Pray that Gabe will grow up to be a creative, useful, independant individual who will be loved by many.

Gabriel, Mummy believes in you that you will be capable of many things and that you will be able to lead a fulfilling life. Continue to grow and be happy darling. Have fun and dance your funny moves, i love it.

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