Monday, November 10, 2014

Daddy Turns 37

This year we made an effort to celebrate Daddy`s birthday...Puleaseee....I`m not a cruel wife, it@s just that Terry isn`t a huge fan of celebrations, trust me. Anyway, i decided we`d surprise him by going to his office. So I contacted Uncle David who agreed to make sure he was in the office at 5.30pm.

So, we happily picked Gabe up from school at 2.30pm, got home to put all the bags and get ready, then rushed to Tokyu to get a birthday cake. Let me tell you, it`s scary lugging 2 kids to the supermarket coz they tend to get all squirmy and whiny when they realise it`s the supermarket. So i carried Lucas in my carrier, then carried Gabe till we got a cart and put Gabe in it. And worse stil, Gabe is at that point where he is reluctant to sit in anything eg high chair, stroller, yup whines...anyway i quickly made a dash to the cake shop, bought the cake, and out we went. Strapped both kids in the car and pray hard that they fall aslee, otherwise they are gonna be all cranky by 5pm.

Yup, we made it to Daddy`s office and unfortunately he was downstairs, so sneaking to the upper level kitchen was hard and he noticed us...sigh....well, he was surprised...

Anyways, we had yummy strawberry cake and boy did Gabe enjoy his share.

So we hope Daddy was happy with this surprise!!

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