Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What a Bummer

We went for Gabe's doc check up today. His weight is up slightly to 6.895kg so that's a good direction. Unfortunately, his oxy levels were around 73%-75% in sedated light sleep. Dr H says, it's not good, neither is it bad, just OK. Which then lead him to inform us that in his opinion, it is not advisable for Gabe to travel back to Singapore come July. Up in the air, his oxy levels may drop to below 70% and that is not good, risky. And 7 hours flight journey is rather long.

So, we have decided to heed his advise. I am so terrified that anything may happen to Gabe, like last time, so we'd rather not take any risks.

Which then lead me to ask Dr H this, based on what i have been seeing in terms of Gabe's stats past few months:

"His next operation is due when he reaches 10kg. But based on what you see now, and in your experience, can he last that long to wait till then? Wouldn't his oxy levels drop further?"

I think that it is rather unlikely he can wait till he is 10kg to do the major surgery. He may have to do one when he reaches 8kg or so. It depends on what is causing the oxy levels to drop. If it is the shunt narrowing, then we can do the balloon dilation. But if it is due to his body weight increasing, then we may need to schedule earlier surgery for an artificial vessel. Depends.

Sigh....i wish Gabe did not have to go through so many surgeries. I wish they could just insert 1 shunt or vessel and it lasts for a long long time. I wish Gabe didn't have a heart defect. I wish Gabe need not go thru such major obstacles in his development..I wish alot of things for him...

But, it is what it is. I just hope that he can last till 10kg without any invasive op.

So, there goes our trip back, so sorry everyone back home...we'll hv to reschedule. And based on the current scenario, we will not be going back for at least the next year or so :(

1 comment:

  1. super sad and disappointed but gabe's health is priority. =(=(=( and yes, praying gabe somehow doesnt need to go thru the op so soon... our lil gabe... hope er-yi can see u soon........... =(
