It`s been ages since i last blogged...the last few weeks of my pregnancy took the toll on me. My belly was so huge and i was aching everywhere and the most worrying part was whether Lucas would play me and choose to come into the world during the long Japan New Year holidays, which would mean that i ain`t get no epidural.
Anyway, I`m proud to announce that we now have a new addition to our family...On Lucas Hikaru, born 7th January 2014 at 1.52pm after 5 hours of labour. He weighed 3024g and looked cute as a button with plenty of hair. The delivery itself was painful even with epidural because they didn`t give me a stronger dose as no one predicted that i would dilate so fast from 3cm to 10cm in like 2 hours.
So we are back home now, adjusting to life with a newborn, let me tell you, it ain`t too fun...Lucas has a temper of his own, and does not cry, he mostly yells and screams to get what he wants. He has no patience at all for waiting and does not care about empty sucking on a pacifier when he is hungry and knows if he is being conned. He has really bad sleep habits as in he loves to go on sleep strikes from 10am to 4pm and will only fall asleep if he is being held.
Recently he has decided to torture his mummy by rejecting her breast and even breastmilk in a bottle. Sigh, i think we`re in for fun times with this lil guy. Needless to say i am a wee bit frazzled by this and am in panic mode since i do not want to ever go down the same path i did with Gabriel whereby he refused much milk and it was pure torture feeding him.
Yup people, pray for me, pray hard....But on the bright side, here`s the lil guy in all his cuteness....enjoy and Welcome to Our Family Lucas!! Love you heaps....Pictures speak a thousand words, so enjoy.....