Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It`s Gonna Be a Long, Long Holiday

Gabe is doing well after his catheterization, back to his naughty tricks. And, for poor Mummy, it`s gonna be a long long spending-one-to-one time for us both. Why? Coz Gabe will not be going to daycare at all until he has his surgery. I fear that he may catch many viruses so we decided not to take the risk, and even Dr H has said to take special care about his health coz if he catches anything we probably have to delay the surgery.

So, yup, it{s just gonna be Gabe and i for the next 1.5 months....lucky me...sighhhhhh. I tried to be like super happy jumping for joy happy and on most days it is...but on the few days it isn`t, me feel like banging my head on the wall. Don`t get me wrong, i love this lil rascal and honestly, i love spending time with him more so now than ever perhaps coz it`s easier to bring him out and about nowadays without having to worry about milk feedings and him whining loudly. He`s quite well behaved most of the time in the restaurants and he can sit down in the baby chair throughout just munching on his puffs and biscuits.

But honestly, it gets a lil too much when we`re cooped up 24/7 together, so some days we both end up whining, screaming and hate each other. And the mess.....toys everywhere, balls everywhere..my backbone aching from bending n picking. And finding tiny puffs everywhere....So you ask, what are we up to now that we have huge amounts of quantity time together? Most days we`re home mornings and go for a lil walk during noon to get groceries or just go for a walk. Late afternoons he naps n i try to do my power yoga then evenings we`re home bathing n eating and playing.

On another note, he has improved so much in his self feeding..not with a spoon, but rather snacks...i used to pamper him so much feeding him every single food, now, if he wants snacks he knows he has to do it himself. So, what i do is that i put all his snacks on his table and if he wants any he goes there to eat it. Then the other day, Mickey mouse was on, and the smart guy decided he wanted to eat n watch TV, so he dragged his table n chair (without my help, n i didn`t teach him either), right to the center and sat there enjoying the life fit for a KING. So anyway, to go a step further on self feeding, when the weather gets warmer, I`m gonna strip his clothes off leaving only his diaper and let him self feed during meals. I cannot imagine the mess that`s gonna happen, but it`s time for him to learn....

The empty space where we keep his table n chair....the rascal drags it to the center to enjoy both tasks

His other fave activity..bath time...and he especially loves the water coming out from the tap

New toy..Anpaman piano...

To add to his ever-growing collection, to which poor Mummy has to pick up every single night

Oh, a park near our place has just been completed, we took a walk in it....really pretty and only like 3 mins from our place...it`s Golden Week holiday here that`s why Daddy has time to spend with us..so we had a yummy lunch first then had our long walk..

We hpppe you had a fantastic weekend too!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

April Heart Catheterization Update

Helloooooo Everyone......yup we`ve been MIA again.....sorryyy.

Gabe has had his heart cath on April 23rd and we stayed at the hospital for 4days. He was admitted on the 23rd to do some tests and monitoring. So the docs had to sedate him to do the ECG. Unfortunately, it didn`t work out as planned initially..you see, they gave him a dose of syrup sedative first, but after 15mins it was obvious the lil rascal was not responding, so they upped it abit more, and 20 mins later, nope..nothing..actually it seemed to make him more awake and active, totally weird. So because it was already considered a high dosage, the had to put in his IV line earlier and administer a sedative through that, which worked almost immediately. His ECG was OK, but Dr H says there is prob a narrowing of his shunt coz it can`t be seen so clearly on the ECG.

Anyway, they would have clearer picture when they do his catheterization. After the ECG we had to do the X ray too. And by 3pm, Gabe was worn out and i think the sedative kinda kicked in by then...so he went into deep slumber till like 5.30pm. Poor boy didn@t like being hooked up to the oxy machine and that night we both didn`t sleep well coz nurses kept coming in to adjust his monitor which Gabe kept tugging at.

His catheterization started on 23rd morning, and it lasted about 1.5 hours. Basically, they found that yes both his 1st and 2nd shunt has narrowed espcially the 1st shunt which has been there since he was 17 days old. So, looking at his rapid weight gain too, the team has agreed it was time for him to do the major op maximum within the next 2 months.

Anyway, the Director of Paediatric Operations came to see us and informed us that he will be doing the surgery and we have chosen June 19th as the operation day. So Gabe will have to be admitted on the 17th. Initially we wanted to have it done earlier begining of June, but i didn`t want us both spending our birthdays in the hospital, it was too depressing. So the operation will last abour 4-5 hours and recuperation period is baout 2-3 weeks depending on Gabe`s condition. Sigh....i hate hospital stays...you can never rest well and what more with Gabe being hooked uo to so many tubes and lines. how do they expect him to sleep at night peacefully. It just gets tangled and he whines. And then i wake n whine too...then it becomes and whiny affair....urgghhhh.

So anyway we were discharged on the 25th and we are both so so happy to be back home...

Thank youall for your prayers, we love you!!