We have been back in Singapore for the past 2 weeks already. Enjoying the heat:(
Gabe has had lots of visitors since. And recently he has turned 6 months! How fast time flies. The lil boy is growing fast and getting chubbier thanks to formula milk. But on the downside, he's beginning to be more of a lil terror too, Grandma can testify to that. He screams almost immediately when being put down to play on his own. In the past i could get him to play for at least 30mins or so, now, not even 10 mins and he starts screaming. Have a feeling he's gonna be a handful next time.
He's had a haircut too, so now his hair looks much neater, not like it kena bombed. And he's been spoilt rotten with many many clothes that Grandma has bought him!! So expensive summore.
Just a few days ago, he went for his therapy assessment and according to the therapist, he needs to be more centered as in his hands and legs need to come more to the center so he can play with toys and have the correct posture. HIs neck also an issue, will need to gain strength. So every week starting next week, he'll be attending a one hour session to start off. So let's hope that he gets help from there.