Saturday, June 25, 2016

The End of A Great Love

Like most typical love stories, it was probably love at first sight. The love interest belonged to someone else, but it didn`t matter. When you want something, you snatch take it. Lucas was in love and nothing was going to stop him. So, within months, they were inseparable.

Lucas and MooMoo belonged together. I thought it would last for many many years. I was wrong. You see, they have been through thick and thin. Even when MooMoo lost his head, Lucas still loved him unconditionally. Even when MooMoo was turning from white to greyish black, Lucas thought MooMoo was the cutest most huggable thing ever. From time to time, even when Lucas was playing, he`d think of MooMoo and go find him and lovingly hug n smell him.

YiYi even kindly bought a replacement look alike in Singapore in case we needed to replace MooMoo, but nope, Lucas ever the faithful loving boy he is, rejected the new love.

Then, tragedy struck during our family trip in Seoul. On our last day, heading to the airport, I realized MooMoo wasn`t with Lucas. Then I realized, we left him in the hotel and well, we weren`t turning back. So I explained to Lucas and surprisingly, he listened and nodded. Understood that MooMoo was never going to be seen again.

For his part, I would say that he handled very well, there were no dramatic tears. But he did ask for MooMoo from time to time on that day, but accepted what I told him. I had thought we were going to see tantrums and tears for days. Nope, even when we got back to Tokyo, he slept ok, I just chucked a spare bolster we had to him and asked him to hug it to sleep.

True love.....non existent.

Now, tutu is next. This one I`m scared, it`ll be terrifying to see what he becomes without it.

Anyway, MooMoo, it`s been a great few years, we`re sad you`re gone.

I know you can`t see much of this greyish blob resembling a cow, but it had a black & white cover which we lost, and obviously it had a head which came off long ago.

This was the intended replacement

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